Storm Front by Jim Butcher (2000)

Orbit paperback edition of Storm Front by Jim Butcher

Pure magic

Book cover blurb

Lost items found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Reasonable rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, or Other Entertainment.

Harry Dresden is the best at what he does - and not just because he’s the only one who does it. So when the Chicago P.D. has a case that transcends mortal capabilities, they come to him for answers. Because the everyday world is not as ‘everyday’ as it seems. It’s actually full of strange and supernatural things - and most of them don't play well with humans. That's where Harry comes in. Takes a wizard to catch a - well, whatever it is the police are having trouble with this time.
There’s just one problem. Buisness, to put it mildly, stinks. So when the police bring him in to consult on a grisly double murder committed with black magic, Harry’s seeing dollar signs. But where there’s black magic, there’s a black mage behind it. And now that mage knows Harry’s name. And that’s when things start to get…interesting.

Magic. It can get a guy killed.

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My Review

I don't think I remember ever reading a 'fuller' book. How Butcher manages to introduce so much of his world and so many of the characters populating it in such a relatively short novel is quite mind-blowing.

Usually, if a novel bombards me with names, places and items it expects me to remember throughout the book I just wind up getting annoyed. I want to enjoy the story, not keep a memorised checklist in my head and then have the story fall apart because I just can't keep track. This is one aspect for which Butcher displays complete mastery. He doles everything out to you at regular and well-spaced intervals, running with each character or element for a while to be sure you've got it securely in your head. Oh, sweet perfection.

I'm not a fan of your typical fantasy wizard types, but luckily Harry Dresden is by no means your usual Gandalf. Do I like Harry? Actually, at least for this book, I would have to say no, he kind of loves himself. Did I enjoy being 'inside' this character during this whole ride? Absolutely.

Very little goes Harry's way in this story. He's constantly beaten, ridiculed and berated. No one seems to like him very much, even Mister, his tailless great lump of a cat, only likes him as a pillow. And that's what keeps you reading, you're desperately wanting something, anything, to go the poor guy's way.

My favourite side character? I think that would have to be a toss-up between Bob and Morgan. Bob is hilarious in his horny self-interested way. And Morgan, the unswayable grim reaper, always in the back of your mind, expecting him to turn up on any page.

I honestly fail to envisage anyone who wouldn't enjoy this book.

My copy of this novel

Orbit paperback edition.

Published in 2005

341 pages

ISBN 9781841493985


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