Judge Fear's Big Day Out by various authors (2020)

Abaddon paperback edition of Judge Fear's Big Day Out by various authors

Narrow audience appeal

Book cover blurb

From the pages of the Judge Dread Megazine.

A shopping mall where droids sell organs harvested from street trash...

A murderous imaginary friend...

A psychotic composer drafting music from pain...

All in a day’s work for the Lawman of the Future.

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My Review

Overall this was a good read. There are 32 short stories here, featuring all walks of life, differing Mega-City locations and narratives. I'm not going to bore you with which are good and bad, you need to decide that for yourself if you read. For me the title story stands out, mainly because it's really well written, but also because of the juxtaposition of the two main characters involved. And if you have existing knowledge of Dredd comics then this story will hit the spot, if you don't I’m afraid you'll be left wondering 'What’s the big deal?'

This book is quite restricting for its audience. If you like and follow Judge Dredd comics, and let's face it there are a lot of them, this book is for you. It's a great roll of snapshots from all over the big Meg. But drokk, if you know stomm about Dredd then Grud help you, 90% of this book is going to go right over the head of the average norm.

My copy of this novel

Abaddon paperback edition.

Published in 2020

421 pages

ISBN 9781781088531


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