Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (1818)

Barnes & Noble flexibound edition of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Ultimate classic

Book cover blurb

"You are my creator, but I am your master--obey!"

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My Review

What an exquisite book! An all-time favourite, for sure! Amazingly layered storytelling.

I have to admit, again, as with previous classics, I'm more enamoured with the prose itself than the story. Of which the story is ridiculously far removed from the bastardisation laid upon it by Holywood.

The writing here unapologetically meanders along with lazy intent, character insight holds far more importance than pace, or drive of the narrative. And I utterly adore that. It is quickly convincing me that the classics of the 19th century are where my most-loved reads are to be found.

I actually consider the obsession with fast pace and a charge towards the climax in modern novels to be a huge failing. The moral of that old adage seems to have been completely lost, "The journey is more important than the destination." And with Frankenstein that is so very true. I am hugely disappointed to have reached the final page of this book, knowing there are no more words to read. I would have happily read forever. But at least I can go back and read it again whenever I wish. Thank the gods for books!

My copy of this novel

Barnes & Noble Flexibouns edition.

Published in 2015

207 pages

ISBN 9781435159624


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