What I’m currently reading…

Judge Dredd Year One

Abaddon Books paperback edition of Judge Dredd Year One

I know these 2000AD novels aren’t what you would call mainstream reads for book lovers, since their origins were established in comics, but I love this world. So I’m indulging myself.

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953)

My only experience with Ray Bradbury, prior to this, was The Martian Chronicles, and to put it frankly, I wasn't impressed. So I had very low expectations for this book.

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Third Quarter Book Recommendation 2023
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Third Quarter Book Recommendation 2023

This entire series of books is definitely worth your time. Some say this trilogy is the origin of Steampunk, but whether you agree or not the originality of these stories is undeniable.

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Paris Adrift by E.J. Swift (2018)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

Paris Adrift by E.J. Swift (2018)

To sum up this book in a word...frustrating!
This seems like two different story ideas mashed into one, when both would have been perfectly acceptable on their own.

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A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny (1993)
Robert Nicholson Robert Nicholson

A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny (1993)

I was introduced to the existence of this title by a Goodreads friend, thanks, Fred.
And what a strange little book it is.
I really enjoyed unravelling the many references to classic figures and elements, of which I'm sure I missed so many.

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