Third Quarter Book Recommendation 2022

Four times a year, at the end of each quarter, I consider all the books I've read over those three months and offer my recommendation for one book I would suggest you try.
Not merely sticking to my favourite, but more in terms of which I would consider a good all-rounder for a broader audience.

In the third quarter of 2022, I read 7 books.

From those books here is my pick of the bunch.
The Fall by Bethany Griffin.
Read the review


The Fall is not the type of novel I usually reach for, but I'm so glad I decided to try it. I think, for the unique experience this book presents to the reader, everyone should consider it.

It is a very unsettling story, with some incredibly disturbing imagery. The way inwhich the chapters are constructed, and even each paragraph, permits no wasted time, no reast for the reader. Your mind will be ticking overtime right to the very last page.

The Fall by Bethany Griffin is a truly unique read. It may not be for everyone but I urge you to find out for yourself.


The Dirty Streets of Heaven by Tad Williams (2012)


Everlost by Neal Shusterman (2006)